1. Introduction

Chemistry in the Modern World

We knowingly or unknowing experiencing the usage of different types of compound in our daily life. Those compounds may be occurred naturally or artificially or even by man-made. In our daily routine, the compounds are there in what we eats, in what we drinks, in what we smells, even in what we touches. It is there in anything and everything. What to say, our human body itself is composed of collectively large number of different types of compounds. 

The structure and function of living system is a constant interplay of finely tuned chemical reactions of compounds and molecules. These compounds are composed of atoms of single type or different types of elements. These atoms were chemically combined by different types of bonding depending upon the type of sharing of their valence electrons with each other.

When different compounds are mixed together they may have a chemical reaction. Some chemical compounds can be dangerous but are safe if they are used the right way. Most dangerous chemicals are only used by scientists who have had special training in how to handle and use them. These chemicals might be poisonous, corrosive, explosive, they may catch fire easily, or they may react with other substances.
